Sunday, April 26, 2009

I am going to alienate some people I know....

Why are we so many Americans happy about the increasing level of government involvement in our lives? I am scared by this trend. I realize that Barack Obama (hereafter, respectfully, BHO) won the election and he has the obligation to do the things that he said he was going to do during the election, but I just do not remember that it was going to be this intrusive, this wide spread and this expensive.

I think we need government oversight, but I do not think we need government control. Honestly, I have been surprised at the level of corruption and greed that is on display by most companies in the U.S. They have been feeding at the trough of the people for far too long. I am one that believes in the free market, and that over the long run the economy and prices will reach a level of equllibrium. I think that the folks that borrow money with out a clear understanding of what they are doing should be discouraged from borrowing that money. I think that companies that take advantage of these people should be punished if what they did was illegal. I don't think we ought to borrow money from China to prevent the American population from feeling the pain that comes from making a bad financial decison. How else will they learn.

The best lessons I have ever learned were from what I call "Paying the idiot tax". That is not my line and I am not sure where I got it, so to whomever I stole that from thanks. The idiot tax is the cost that you pay from making poor decisions. This tax takes on many forms and is not always financial. Right now, what BHO is doing is trying to prevent the American people from paying their idiot tax. The tax is due and needs to be paid. We have become a nation of whiners and complainers. We are so worried of going without that we are willing to trade in the future financial security of our country so we do not have to feel any of the pain today. We just can not bear to pay the idiot tax, so we are going to borrow the money from China, so we do not have to.

What are we going to do when the Chineese want their money back. How are we ever going to pay that back?

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